x tau lah camner nak start..indeed..i have a lot to say.but..just..cluelesssss.....
'kamu'.aku rindu.i dont know how this thing called 'missing' developed in me..just i miss.Who did i missed?none other than 'kamu'.'kamu'...'kamu' rindu aku jgk x..?haha..==' gilaklah aku nih.mcm mn sih org yg kamu kanganen ngetahuinya kalu x dibilang sama dia.there..i sighed again..again..and again..dah hampir 2 tahun..and i did ask myself.why did i like him so much?why3??he's not that handsome..not that caring..not that corncern..aku sedih..:'(.sbb aku x boleh x suka 'kamu'.
To be honest..i really2 want to see u..want to talk to u..want to smile to u..want to know if u're doing well?even i know i'm not dare enough...
teringat aku...in the end.u smiled at me...only on that moment..i thought 'we feel it'..i dont really know..
if u or me were brave enough that time.mungkin..but..it seems impossible.
but...knowing that feelings fade with time..i endure it...
then..as time pass by..its not that hurt to think of u.
Tak semua rindu boleh diluah..
Tak semua cemburu perlu diberitahu..
Tak semua sayang harus ditunjuk..
..Ada perkara..
lebih baik menjadi rahsia kita dan Allah..
Tak semua cemburu perlu diberitahu..
Tak semua sayang harus ditunjuk..
..Ada perkara..
lebih baik menjadi rahsia kita dan Allah..